For several months, we featured the testimonies of various members of our church. Listen to how God worked in each life to bring them to the place of salvation and how He continued working in their lives, teaching them and revealing new truths about Himself.
Believing the Word


Pastor Russell Bonin

Recorded 3/1/2017

Yvonne Blake

Recorded 4/12/2017

Charles Mason

Recorded 5/3/2017

Randy Blake

Recorded 6/7/2017

Joel Wiggin

Recorded 7/5/2017

Kate Howell

Recorded 8/2/2017

Missionary Jim Carter

Recorded 9/6/2017

Cathy Wiggin

Recorded 10//2017

Donald Wiggin

Recorded 12/6/2017
A Light for Christ in Searsport, Maine
© Lighthouse Bible Church 2023-2024